Kaua`i Society of Artists welcomes artists working in virtually every medium. With over 100 members of diverse backgrounds, education, and experience, you have an opportunity to be a part of a dynamic group defining what art can be on a small Pacific island.
Benefits of KSA membership KSA provides a highly visible venue at Kukui Grove Center, and each exhibit attracts many visitors and residents. Art Kaua`i is KSA's annual premier show, and the only exhibition on the Island of Kauai viewed by representatives from The State Foundation on Culture and the Arts. Each year The State Foundation selects works from the show for Purchase Awards, with the possible purchase by the State of Hawai`i for inclusion in its Art in Public Places Program. Selected works of art are placed in state buildings throughout Hawai`i, as well as The Hawai`i State Museum in Honolulu. KSA also offers members an opportunity to create their own exhibition, and put together individual or group shows. Just a donation to cover costs. See Members: Create Your Show. KSA offers a forum for member input at our monthly meetings, on our Facebook Page, and in our monthly e-newsletter. Membership is easy. Just complete a Membership Form and submit your fee. Membership can also be paid at entry day of any of our shows. Once a member, we invite you to submit work to any of our juried or non-juried shows, provided you follow the submission guidelines. Maybe you have been creating work for years, and wondering if others might enjoy it KSA welcomes your opportunity to shine. Come join us. |
Not interested in becoming a member, but would like to support the arts on Kauai, please consider making a donation to our 100% volunteer powered non-profit organization. Mahalo!